The Secret Racist Agenda of John Howard
In 1788 the British, captained by James Cook, invaded and stole Australia, murdering and terrorizing 10 000s of Aboriginal Australians. In 1997, the British piloted by John Howard, re-colonized Australia.
This Blog will demonstrate how a post-Howard Australia has been in-toto reclaimed by the British, with every sphere of government and private enterprise, from bus driver to prime minister appropriated through a relentless tsunami of British immigration.
In 1788 the British, captained by James Cook, invaded and stole Australia, murdering and terrorizing 10 000s of Aboriginal Australians. Australian descendants of the British imperialists continued the decimation and plundering of Aboriginal Australia up until the 1970s, when the remaining survivors were everywhere on their knees in abject poverty and desperation. In 1996, the British piloted by John Howard, re-colonized Australia.
I will demonstrate how a post-Howard Australia has been in-toto reclaimed by the British, with every sphere of government and private enterprise, from bus driver to prime minister appropriated through a relentless tsunami of British immigration.
John Winston Howard, Australia’s 25th Prime Minister is a small lick-spittle of a ‘man’. He ‘invested’ most of his adult life in politics, 'lying' in wait for the ultimate prize of the prime ministership. Howard was frustrated along the decades long journey, but with the tenacity of a termite, he persevered and fluked the office when the fiercely republican Labour PM Paul Keating alienated, if not enraged many anglophiles / royalists. Keating’s political crimes were two-fold, first he was anti-monarchist, second, and probably much worse, Keating was the first PM, since the morally aberrant Gough Whitlam, to come clean on the ongoing history of genocidal racism against Indigenous Australia. Against such a reviled political opponent, Howard could not but win the 1996 election. The toady monarchist Howard was to reign over Australia for 11 excruciating years.
So who's really "swamping" Australia?
"Australian residents who were previously nationals of the United Kingdom accounted forthe largest group (21%) among the 103,350 people granted Australian citizenship in 2005-06 (table 14.41)"
In the 11 years Howard ‘managed’ Australia, he effected much change. Very little of this change was positive. Much of the damage this pocket-tyrant inflicted included the introduction of Dickensian industrial relations (WorkChoices) and workfare laws, the brutalisation and demonisation of “boat-people”, and the final dismemberment of aboriginal reconciliation and self-determination. In his 'crusade' against Aboriginal Australia, Howard suspended the Racial Discrimination Act to enable his jackboot stooges to "legally" invade Aboriginal communities in the Outback. These odious ‘achievements’ have been well documented and were to some extent rescinded by Rudd’s brief and courageous administration. Howard’s 'crowning odium’ though, has not been redressed, neither has it been recognized!
The British Creep
Statistically the largest single immigrant group into Australia has always been the British. More recently this relentless flood of British migration has been supplemented by their racist anglo counter-parts from South Africa, where 1000s of white South Africans are bolting from a mess of social upheaval and poverty of their own doing from decades of enjoying the spoils of apartheid. These same so called Afrikaners have now found sanctuary in racist Anglo Australia, and it may only be a matter of time before we discover an Aboriginal Australian tied to a tree trunk, near death from being horsewhipped, as was the national pastime of the Afrikaner in the heady days of apartheid.
British plane-people vastly outnumber the trickle of demonised boat-people who limp to Australia’s shores in rickety vessels. A conservative comparison between the deluge of British plane-people and the dribble of brown boat-people is for every 1 boat-person who makes it to Australian detention facilities, 1000 Brits trot past the immigration desk, into employment, housing and free healthcare.
So who's really "swamping" Australia?
Dating back to the 1788 invasion, the British immigrant flood has been permanent, but in more recent years (post-Howard and Hanson) this flood escalated into a tsunami. This was Howard’s secret agenda all along. Howard was indeed a man of racist ‘vision’. He saw the looming pressure on our regional population in the form of the “Yellow Peril”. Between his frequent bouts of delirious genuflecting at Buckingham he would have observed how the racial stock of Britain itself was being 'compromised' by the endless immigration of non-anglo people. For Howard “the fine flower of civilisation” was now in danger of wilting under the weight of the uncivilised hordes of Asia. These observations would have seriously alarmed Australia’s most shameless monarchist and Anglophile, who often boasts his greatest hero in addition to the Windsor dynasty is Winston Churchill. It is no coincidence Howard’s middle-name is Winston.
The spike in mass British immigration during and post Howard’s reign is thus no coincidence. This clever sneak engineered policies, including tampering with immigration laws to favour British passport holders and proficient English speakers, encouraging and facilitating more British to invade Australia. His first act to set the policy agenda was of course sabotaging the fledgling Australian Republic Program in 1999, which among other overdue ambitions, sought to purge the perfidious union jack from the flag. This Howard act of national sabotage reaffirmed Australia’s ‘dependency’ on if not servitude to “mother Britain”. It is perhaps understandable then the average Briton views Australia as little more than a vassal, a colonial possession which they can resort to when life becomes too unpalatable in their own dirt patch.
British immigrants to Australia are so privileged if not 'cherished' that a university commissioned a study (below) on the 'concerning' phenomenon of many British immigrants or "ping-pong poms" repatriating to Britain. This is indeed a major social concern warranting many more tax-funded investigations.
Paradoxically the biggest threat to Howard’s racist ambition came in the form of the virulent declared racism of Pauline Hanson. Her imbecilic clamouring for a return to the days of “White Australia”, although temporarily cloaking the stealth racism of Howard, threatened to eventually wreck Howard’s crafty agenda by drawing too much attention. The enormous exposure Hanson craved and caused would have ultimately exposed Howard’s parallel racist designs to maintain the anglophile dominance of Australia. Hanson clearly had to go, and she did, returning in 2010 to Britain from whence she originally sprung. But like a sore on one's genitalia Hanson came back to Australia, whining "there were too many immigrants in Britain". Hanson is now an Australian TV celebrity, which speaks volumes about the audience and anglo-celtic Australia as a whole.
The neo-British-Australia Government
The present day success of the racist agenda to maintain the anglophile advantage by populating Australia with 100 000s of British immigrants would perhaps even surprise the architect himself, John Winston Howard. Australians are due to go to polls this August to elect the next Anglo Prime Minister of Australia. Australian voters have two ‘choices’ – Julia Gillard a British immigrant who came to Australia at the age of five – the irony Gillard travelled to Australia by boat should not be lost as it relates to the current ‘debate’ on asylum seekers aka boat-people. And the second choice is of course Tony Abbott, a poster boy for Liverpool Soccer Hooliganism who was also born in Britain!
In light of these racialist ‘achievements’, Howard must be beside himself, raptured as it were. As Australia’s most fanatic anglophile and sycophantic royalist he could not have dreamed for a better political outcome of the absolute anglophilic destiny Australia now faces. Every State and Territory parliament is populated and dominated by Anglo Australians, while the entire Federal Government, including the High Court and Governor-General are enormously represented by Anglo Australians and British immigrants. Police and judicial institutions across Australia are recruiting en-masse British immigrants. Nowadays the average Australian is more likely to get cracked over the head by a baton wielded by a Scotsman and Cockney fresh off a BA flight. This same invasion is replicated throughout medical services nation-wide where a large percentage of nursing staff speak incomprehensible British brogues. Trauma victims dazed by their injuries are further baffled by the thick babble of a scottish triage nurse whose tribe's largest export to humanity was puerile sanctimony totally inconsistent with their long career in piggybacking on the racist imperial 'conquests' of England. England, an ethnic cousin the so called Scots are so hypocritically fond of divorcing and dissociating themselves from, when the reality continues to be modern scottish material success is inextricably tied to the unconscionable predations by imperial 'England' perpetrated against indigenous peoples everywhere. Imperial England tied down her naked indigenous victims, but it was the Scottish who jumped into the dirt to bludgeon them.
Increasing British creep into the Australian government and all levels of public service both federal and state would seem to be not enough. All levels of media, in particular free-to-air TV is being rapidly hijacked. Any punter who has viewed the ABC for any length of time soon concludes almost the entire ABC media content is imported from its clone, the BBC. This has always been the case and most likely always will. More alarming has been the recent descent of SBS into the 'cultural' maelstrom of the second British invasion. SBS was originally created to serve the 'other Australia'. That huge other segment of the Australian population who do not drool over every newsfeed on Ponce Harry et al. But the cultural independence and integrity of SBS was too good to last, too much to bear and nowadays SBS programming is pumping out British content to a frighteningly similar extent of its traditional rival the Anglophile Broadcasting Commission (or better known as the ABC). It comes as no surprise then the most popular Australian TV programme of recent times is a cooking show hosted by 2 fat British expats. The fact is if all free-to-air television entertainment was surveyed in a single day the percentage of the 'cultural' content would lean heavily towards Britain, even without the added weight of those 2 fat talent-less expats.
This 2010 federal election may once and for all resolve Australia’s racial complexity and pretence to racial diversity and equality. Under our very noses Britain has returned to reclaim her imperial possession. John Winston Howard may yet be enthroned as Australia’s first king!
Anglo Australia's determination to forever suckle on the rotted teats of its 'mother' Britain is unsurprising, when we recall the historic parliament speech by Australia's first Prime Minister Edmund Barton in 1903. In his racist diatribe, this Anglophile, made it abundantly clear, where Australian allegiance would forever reside:
"Let us call ourselves Britons. In using the term Britons in Australia, I wish to it to be as clear as possible that, in my belief, we have not forfeited, by our emigration, or by that of our father, any rights of Britishers at home, or any of our share in either the glory or the material propserity of the Empire. We are Britons of the Empire. We did not sever ourselves from the rest of the Empire, when we came here, neither did the fathers of those of us, who like myself are natives of the soil, do so."
Truer words and sentiments were never articulated in the Anglo-Australian parliament.
How The British Are Swamping Us
Targeted Visas For British
2 major criteria for these PR visas are:
English speaker and have existing relative in Australia
- nearly every Anglo Briton can identify a relative in Australia!
In addition to an ongoing Aus gov sponsored public relations campaign conducted in Britain to encourage Anglophile migration to Australia, entry requirements / policies have been cynically / secretly designed to give British whites a clear advantage in obtaining work and PR visas. These immigration rules appear on face value to be fair and neutral. On closer inspection though the design of the so called sub-class visas 175 and 176 have been devised specifically for the benefit of British whites. A most obvious biased feature of these sneak visas is it waives the standard 2 year waiting period to transition from a temporary stay visa to PR. This 'privilege' is denied to all other non-Anglo nations. Non-Anglo immigrants (excluding British passport holders) must undergo a waiting period of 2 years on top on the initial processing period for their temporary entry visa.
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